Thursday, 12 January 2012


At the beginning of this course, I was paired up with someone but not too long into it, my partner had decided to drop out. Since he decided to do it quite early on in the lessons, it was quite fortunate because we hadn't done an awful lot of work by then. When we were still working together, we decided to do an opening sequence to a horror film. After he had dropped out, I decided to stick to the idea of an opening sequence to a horror film, thought I've changed the plot and the overall film idea.

Through most of the time during the course, I have been working on my own. Having gotten all the roles to myself, I thought of it as an advantage rather than something unfortunate. This way I had way more control over what I really wanted to do in my film, and I got to make all the choices.

I got my idea together, got my actors and had everything ready, but I realised this is a lot of work to be doing alone. My main actress, When I went to get a tape for my camera from my teacher, we told him we're both working on our own, and he suggested we pair up and do a film together instead. That seemed like a great idea, as we both needed another person to rely on, and we have already worked on a media project together before, in secondary school, so we knew it would work.

Sara, my new partner, already liked my film idea, so we decided to stick with that, not really making many changes to it. We split up the roles between us, me ending up being the producer and camerawoman, and her being director and editor.

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